Spinal Decompression in Dalton GA– What is it?
Spinal Decompression - What is it?

Spinal decompression is a form of motorized traction that can relieve back pain due to a bulged, herniated, or degenerative disc. It works by stretching the spine and creating negative pressure in the disc. This negative pressure can help to retract a bulged disc removing pressure from the surrounding nerves.
Spinal decompression has been used to help patients with:
- Neck Pain
- Sciatica - pain down the leg
- Bulging or Herniated Discs
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Injured Spinal Nerve Roots
Treatments can last 30 to 45 minutes, and most patients will need multiple visits to relieve pain and discomfort. The treatment is generally relaxing and comfortable.
Who's Not a Candidate
Some patients have conditions that are not right for spinal decompression. Here's a short list:
- Anyone with an implanted or artificial disc
- People that have had spinal fusions
- Pregnant women
- People that have had previous back surgery
- People that have spinal stenosis
At Pray Chiropractic we regularly help patients with back pain and disc issues. Spinal decompression is one of the options we offer to patients and the results can be outstanding.
If you're curious about whether decompression is right for you speak with our team today. Decompression can be an amazing alternative to permanent back surgery.