Onsite Digital X-Rays

Always on the cutting edge, Pray Chiropractic in Dalton and Ringgold became the first chiropractic office in the country to offer digital x-rays in 2005. Digital x-rays use sensors instead of traditional photographic film.
The Benefits of Digital X-Rays for Chiropractic Care
Advantages include time efficiency through bypassing chemical processing and the ability to digitally transfer and enhance images.
X-rays are one of the most amazing innovations in medicine for helping patients feel better after injury or illness. They allow our doctors to see inside of a patient’s body without having to perform any kind of exploratory surgery. Digital X-rays are a tool that provides higher image quality, improved diagnostics can help your doctor find the correct treatment plan more quickly.
Digital X-Rays Help with the Following:
- Quicker diagnoses
- Less exposure to radiation
- More individualized chiropractic treatment plans